Wednesday, March 15, 2006

I'm not superwoman

Sometimes I need to be reminded that I am not actually superwoman. The day after building the wall, I could hardly move because my back and shoulders were sooo sore. It's terrible really. I'm still sore today, but it's getting better. I got sick again yesterday, but it's getting better again too.
The team came into town today, but I haven't talked to them yet. I was going to go to the station to greet them on their way in, but because of my sickness yesterday, I thought that would be unwise.
Classes are going really well. I'm planning to have an open discussion on Christianity with my 6 o'clock class today, so please pray for that. It's the class with Nok, Kea, Oil (who is a Christian), Pi' Kee, Pi'Na, Pi'Keng and Pi'Pat. In case you are wondering, adding Pi' at the beggining of someone's name is a sign of respect for those who are older than you. Even though everyone is older than me, some don't want me to call them Pi because it makes them feel older.
I only have 4 1/2 weeks left, which is wild! Where has all the time gone? I thought I just started! At the same time, 4 1/2 weeks is like almost all of my last two trips. It's weird how perspective changes.
I'm starting to get Tim Hortons cravings. I'm pretty sure, however, that it's not as much for the coffee as it is for the fellowship I have at Tim Hortons. That's my hang out place. In short, I miss all you guys! But I'll be back before I know it. The last two months certainly have flown by.
Rod's gone again. Left me for another lady. You know, I'm not sure I like this come and leave and come and leave pattern that's developing. Are you with me or not Rod? I'm a girl. I need committment in my relationships!
Sorry I still haven't gotten up the pictures I promised. I'll do that soon. I just need to get organized, and bring my camera with me to these places.
Cooking night is tonight. We are making Caserole!
I'll be spending this weekend with the HMSers out in the tiny village of Bon Mai Sawaan, so I'll certainly have more pictures for you guys then! I'm really excited to see them all, and be able to come and work beside them for this time.


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